Past Show
by Nat Turnbull
20 – 30 Sep, 2017

Jacky Winter is pleased to announce Gesture by Nat Turnbull.
The exhibition by acclaimed stylist and art director, Natalie Turnbull, coincides with the launch of Looking Glass, an exciting new series of observational still-life digital drawing events at the gallery.
Gesture is an exploration of movement and shape in reference to the human body. New viewpoints are revealed when navigating through the space, giving rise to a shifting tension and beauty. The space is created to allow for an intimate experience between the viewer and the objects. Purpose-built for Lamington Drive and Looking Glass, Nat has transformed the space using colour, form, light and shadow, to offer the perfect launchpad for observational drawing and documentation.
Each participant will be provided with a 12.9" iPad Pro + Apple Pencil for the duration of the two hour session, during which time we will be using the Procreate drawing app to go beyond the existing mediums and tools of traditional life drawing classes. Our first four sessions are as follows: Wednesday, September 20, 6.30–8.30pm | Saturday, September 23, 2–4pm | Wednesday, September 27, 6.30–8.30pm | Saturday, September 30, 2–4pm link in bio to more info Looking Glass and for bookings.
20 – 30 Sep, 2017
Image Gallery