Past Show
Where's Wallaby?
by Asher McShane
28 Jul – 2 Sep, 2023

A whirlpool of colour inspired by a process of looking out and looking in. Mixing both modern and mythological influences. From local trees to distant memories – the magic of marsupials and music.
Through a series of gouache paintings, we begin a search for a lost wallaby. Amongst prints and animated loops, the journey takes us through a surrealistic Australian landscape, meeting many friendly faces along the way.
Inspired by long road trips across the country – always keeping an eye out for wildlife. The search continued after the road, in the home studio. Instead of looking to the distance – the search was made by standing still and moving slowly. Looking within, up, and down.
Where’s Wallaby? presents a question and a curiosity; the continuous nature of searching and discovering.
Asher McShane is a multi-disciplinary artist working between painting, illustration, animation, music, writing, and design. Born in Bundjalung / Gold Coast; Asher now works, lives, and learns in Naarm / Melbourne. His range of practices feed into one another – often combining and influencing each other. Songs and stories based on paintings, animations based on songs, and illustrations based on writing. His work has been seen on Adult Swim, Stan, and ABC.
28 Jul – 2 Sep, 2023
Image Gallery